5 Fit Tips to Stay on Track in Summer

L1002934_00174The new year is here and it’s time to set some new health and fitness goals! But, it is the middle of summer and the heat is on, how do we stay motivated to keep on going after the first couple of weeks of the year have passed?

1. Exercise in the morning

If possible, do your work out early in the morning when the sun is about to rise, it will not be as hot as later on during the day. If you cannot do it early in the morning, same principal works with late afternoon/evening when the sun goes down.

2. Commit to another person

When committing to an exercise plan, it is a good idea to tell your friends or partner about it (and also involve them). Committing not only to yourself but to someone else is a good strategy to keep yourself more accountable, and tell them to ask you about how you are going, even on days when you don’t want to talk about it.

3. Log your activity

Writing down all the activities that you do gives you a feeling of accomplishment. If you have a wall calendar, choose a colour for your activities and write them in there after you are finished. Then choose another colour that means a ‘good food day’ and make a smiley face with that colour every day that you have been good with nutrition.

4. Carry a water bottle where ever you go

Truly the only way to survive an Aussie summer, bring that water bottle everywhere and fill it up. Especially if you are doing a work out later in the day, you need to make sure you are hydrated to get the most out of your workouts.

5. Be patientSummer fitness

We all want to see results today, or preferably yesterday, and that is why you need to stick to your plan although you cannot see any results yet! It takes a little bit of time, and with patience and commitment, you will see results soon enough.